Breuss (Spinal) Massage

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The Breuss Massage is a gentle spinal massage that safely stretches, nourishes, aligns, energizes and heals the spine
In one session muscles and tendons can gently release alongside the spine, thus relaxing and lengthening the vertebrae.
Ongoing treatment can be recommended for long term pain/conditions.

Rudolf Breuss; German creator of the Breuss Massage said that there is no such thing as ‘wear’ of the intervertebral disc but the discs are somewhat ‘degenerated’, and he proved that regeneration is possible through the right nourishment and treatment.
The Breuss spinal massage follows these principles with it’s gentle yet highly effective treatment.

Initial Consultation and treatment 60min     $90-

Follow up/Subsequent treatment 60min     $80-

Breuss Massage combined with Bowen Therapy      90min $120-